Monday, March 12, 2007


Jimmy Carr, Felicity Montagu, Martin Freeman, Jessica Stevenson …

Dir. Debbie Isitt
Scr. Debbie Isitt

I just saw this film on DVD after having it recommended by a friend. I wasn’t going to blog a review because I thought it would be universally applauded but then I found out, according to, this film was rubbish. Well, that’s just codswallop.

Confetti is a funny film. Yeah, it may be predictable and a tad cheesy. Sure, some of the jokes fall a little flat. But, hell, there are plenty of belly laughs to be had. And when you discover that the film was acted out as an improvisation and was shot entirely in chronological order it’s even more impressive.

It’s a premise I’m sure must have actually occurred at some point in real life – three couples compete to win a house by coming up with the wackiest wedding idea. We have a couple obsessed with tennis, a couple who love musicals, and a couple of naturists. It’s a recipe for hilarity.

Not as witty or clever as the efforts of Christopher Guest and his posse in Spinal Tap, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind etc, but this film is entertaining and more often funny than not. Some of the actors are obviously comfortable in this cinematic experiment than others, notably Jimmy Carr, Martin Freeman and Jessica Stevenson. In fact, Martin Freeman manages to steal every scene he is in with just a raise of an eyebrow. And Jessica Stevenson, well, she’s an absolute gem.

I laughed. I cried (yes, I did). I was entertained. What more could you ask for?

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