Thursday, February 2, 2012


Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael B Jordan, Michael Kelly

Dir. Josh Trank
Scr. Max Landis

I can’t say this is a completely original film. The “found footage” genre has been quite prolific over the last few years, most notably in Cloverfield and the Paranormal Activity instalments. And what we fundamentally have here is a superhero flick. But Chronicle is surprisingly fresh and relatable, with more humour and heart than you would expect. A simple premise executed well, in a neat and satisfying 83 minutes, Chronicle is a very good film indeed.

Three high schoolers – popular kid running for class president Steve (Jordon), good-looking wannabe intellectual Matt (Russell) and his loner cousin Andrew (DeHaan) – find a strange crater in the woods while at a party and come face-to-face with an other-worldly machine/creature/who knows. The next day they find they have all developed superhuman abilities of telekinesis and invulnerability. Gaining strength day by day, the boys initially use their skills for their own entertainment and minor mischief. As is so often the case however, darker instincts take over and mayhem ensues.

These shenanigans are captured on film by Andrew initially (documenting his life in an effort to escape the horrors at home), and later through security and television camera footage. The filmmakers really do stand by their format, right to the end. At times it may feel a little forced, but I admired the vision and ingenuity. It’s in-your-face and makes the superpower moments pop. The intimacy of the format also has its advantages – sure, these kids can do outlandishly amazing things that make them laugh and blow their minds, but sitting alone on his bedroom floor, a sad and frustrated Andrew can also quietly pull a spider apart with his mind in one of the movie’s darker moments.

This brings me to two features of this film that I absolutely loved: how truly dark it was at times (much more so than you will have expected) and how realistic the performances are (especially from Russell and DeHaan). Andrew’s story especially is heartbreaking and, at times, pretty brutal. DeHaan is on spot-on perfect in this role. His recluse, reserved Andrew is brilliant. Russell has a more understated role to play – Matt is a good guy trying to do right by his friends – but does it with equal naturalism and a lot of heart. Jordan, in the most showy of the roles, gives a very solid performance also. The only adult that really features is Andrew’s dad, played by familiar face Michael Kelly. A truly awful character, Kelly does a stellar job in his small but ultimately all-important role.

Chronicle is not all bleak – the film has some wonderfully light moments, especially when the boys are initially figuring out their powers. The scenes in the toy store and the car park are particularly fun. But the movie always has an undertone of dread and while it certainly never descends into horror, this is certainly a thrilling and chilling ride.

This film is a complete mash-up – a teenage-centric, found footage, superhero flick – that works. It’s not going to win any awards and it’s unlikely to make millions at the box office. But I have to say it was surprising and entertaining and dark and I liked it very, very much. I highly recommend to anyone who fancies a look.


Matt: It's like a muscle...we're getting stronger.

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