Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Top Five Movie Scenes (aka Five Cinematic Moments That Changed My Life and Burned Into My Brain)

It’s the school holidays and well-post-Oscar season, hence the lack of reviews. The dire movie viewing options (for me, anyway) has left me with a writing itch I just had to scratch. So, to tide me over until The Avengers is released later this week, here are my five favourite movie scenes, ever ... in no particular order:

Empire of the Sun (1987)

The Cadillac of the Sky scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02BBtN-P0lc

One of my favourite films, this Spielberg epic is rarely cited as one of his best. I simply don’t know why. Based on JG Ballard’s semi-autobiographical novel of the same name, Empire of the Sun tells the story of Jim, an English boy surviving in Japanese-occupied China during WWII. In this scene, the Americans attack the Japanese with their mighty impressive planes. Take a moment to remember this film is 25 years old – the effects are seamless. John Williams’ score soars. But what truly gets me is ‘I can’t remember what my parents look like.’ Sob. I have probably watched this movie around two dozen times and I always cry at this moment. The first time, when I was 11, and every time since. Every. Single. Time.

When Harry Met Sally ... (1989)

The New Year Revelation scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_M3GHJckv8 (spoiler alert)

Another favourite film, another I have watched too many times for my own good. For many many many years, this movie represented everything I wanted in a relationship. I’m a sap, what can I say. I still contend this is the best rom-com ever. It’s the basic boy meets girl, girl hates boy, boy meets girl again, boy and girl become friends, boy and girl fall in love, awwwww. Genuinely funny with a stellar cast, this film is a classic. And this particular scene – the big ‘I love you’ speech – is adorable and funny and simply ace.

There Will Be Blood (2007)

I Drink Your Milkshake scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_hFTR6qyEo (spoiler alert and language warning)

Hmm, another favourite film (there seems to be a pattern here), There Will Be Blood is truly a modern classic with one of the finest lead performances you will ever see. There are three or four scenes in this film I could have picked – the relationship between oil drilling guru Daniel Plainview and evangelical preacher Eli Sunday is wonderfully antagonistic and provides most of the highlights of the story. The one I chose is simply majestic in its meanness and intensity and darkly comic tinge. You can’t help but love a character like Plainview – given so many chances to redeem himself, he fervently shuns every one.

The Usual Suspects (1995)

The Twist to End All Twists scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_6560AW1zQ (MAJOR spoiler alert and language warning)

If you haven’t seen this film, do NOT view the video – go out immediately and hire the dvd instead. The Usual Suspects is the first film I remember seeing at the cinema with such an amazing twist that I actually gasped out loud. A stellar cast and the vehicle that truly made mainstream audiences sit up and take notice of Kevin Spacey, The Usual Suspects is by no means a flawless film. But for me, sitting in the dark, I will never forget this moment and the feeling of having the rug pulled out from under me. Other films have thrilled me in the same way since, but I definitely lost my cherry on this particular twist.

High Society (1956)

Ultimate Bing and Frank scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kq1JQUhwVQ (musical warning!)

I absolutely and utterly adore musicals. And I have a particular soft spot for the classic films I remember watching on tv on lazy Sunday afternoons – films in which manly men sang and danced, lyrics were cheesy poetry and nuns sang about the hills being alive. High Society is a very early memory and this song – Well, Did You Evah? – is simply sublime. A duet between two legends, one a little drunk, both in love with the same woman (Grace Kelly – how could you not love her?), this is cinematic magic. And when Frank drunkenly sings ‘naaah, let’s drink to your wealth’, I giggle every time.

The Matrix (1999)

The Most Mind-Blowing Opening scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u31OjOPF-ZI

Yes, I can count. This is scene number six. But I simply could not get the list down to five – let’s call this scene a tie with The Usual Suspects ending and just move on ... So, The Matrix. What a great flick. It’s about, errr, who knows really? But, at the time, it was simply the coolest thing to touch down at the cinema and certainly in my life. I remember distinctly watching this opening scene, turning to the person next to me and saying ‘I have no idea what’s going on, but I love it!’ Sure, it looks so clichéd now (largely because it has been copied so shamelessly subsequently), but I had certainly never seen anything like it – the slow-mo, the camera angles, the outfits, the comic book feel. I was buzzing and I always get a little of that feeling back when I watch it again.

What are some of your favourites?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There would have to be a Star Wars or Empire Strikes Back scene. Maybe Mos Eisley (These are not the droids you are looking for) or the Vader v Skywalker confrontation in Empire. "Luke, I am your father".

Matrix has to be there as well, though maybe the "I know kung fu" fight scene, or the foyer fight scene near the end.

And how could you go past the Princess Bride. So many great scenes - the "I am not left handed either" sword fight, the Iocaine powerder scene, and of course, "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die".

All scenes that have stayed with me decades later.

And Fellowship of the Rings. When Gandalf rides into Hobbiton near the beginning. And the "You shall not pass!". Or when the hobbits first encounter a ringwraith in the forest.